Tilly’s Debut 2024!
over a year of hard veterinary and personal work…
The hard work of Jane Williamson, Dr. Jeff Bunn (Equine Medical in Lowell, MI) and the rest of the team of Four Feather Farm; has allowed Tilly to arrive at BreyerFest to meet her fans! Laminitis, hoof deterioration and lameness, was the daily story for Tilly from May of 2023 until her release from medical Care on June 15, 2024! Due to likely sweet grasses and a genetic tendency for High Insulin, Tilly began to have serious hoof problems in 2023. Aggressive treatment including Clogs, medication, stall rest and daily care by Jane Williamson and the Four Feather Farm team, has allowed her to grow 4 new hooves in the last 14 months! She is feeling great and is so happy to be here to greet her fans and friends in 2024!